Organizations that maintain a large number of assets and that have activities spread across multiple sites often find it challenging to sustain an efficient supply chain for assets and parts for all their locations. Managing the shipping processes of spare parts and equipment for such an organization can be complex and time consuming. EAM for Shipping & Fleet Management, you can overcome these challenges by being able to streamline your processes for packaging, shipping (local, regional, and overseas), and customs paperwork. You’ll be able to monitor all your logistic flows and anticipate possible delays, as well as gain a complete overview of activities in both on- and offshore locations. Enterprise Asset Management has been helping customers like you control and optimize spare parts and equipment supply chains, and reduce costly delays. With EAM for Shipping, you can put this expertise and experience into action and increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your assets and parts shipping processes.
With EAM transportation module, you’ll be able to improve communications between control (the head office) and operations (projects worldwide). You’ll be able to lower the docking frequency and minimize unplanned production outages by being able to ensure that critical materials are readily available.
You’ll also be able to manage the complex logistics of shipping between multiple stores (central, transitory, local, temporary project stores, borer/platform stores, etc.). And you’ll be able to accommodate continuous crew changes by implementing uniform working methods that are supported by practical procedures and an efficient information system. EAM for Shipping & fleet Management, you’ll be able to streamline and monitor processes for:
- Shipments from the central store directly to remote stores
- Shipments from the central store or vendor to transit store to remote store
- Creating, editing, and routing customs invoices